Thursday, April 14, 2022

Aliens and Dead People

There's no real doubt that the Democrats won the 2020 election by fraud. The COVID-1984 scam allowed them (and various other anti-Trump conspirators) to change the rules and massively increase the number of postal ballots. The rest was simply a well funded harvesting operation, so that once again the familiar American order was able to re-establish itself. In other words, the money won. Again.*

The bad news is that they have no intention of doing it just once. If they get their way, voter registration will become automatic, including for illegal aliens and dead people. State oversight too will become a thing of the past, and ballot-harvesting will become a permanent norm. (And any attempt to return to an even vaguely fair and open system of representative government will of course be shouted down by the MSM as "voter suppression".)

On the one hand, a party composed of extraterrestrials and zombies would help to explain politicians like Al Gore and Joe Biden. In truth though it's a pretty bleak outlook for the western world, as politicians become ever more detached from reality and any possibility of arresting the decline of our culture through constitutional means is removed.

*Of course, the fraudulent winners were ably aided and abetted by the spectacular incompetence of the losers, but that was only to be expected. Never underestimate the Stupid Party's capacity to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. 

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