Wednesday, March 23, 2022

"Pro-authoritarian" libertarians?

Of course, the claim that Canadians who are sceptical about the war in Ukraine are "pro-authoritarian" is deeply weird. Canada currently has the most authoritarian government it's ever had, and it's far more likely that "the Unvaccinated" are pro-libertarian than authoritarian - sceptical about the Government's claims about "the vaccines" and equally sceptical about the military-industrial complex's expansion of NATO.

Conversely, those who trusted the Government over the jabs are now trusting them over foreign affairs - and that includes war! So whether Putin wins or loses, the West is becoming a darker, bleaker place, more paranoid, more willing to resort to military and/or paramilitary options rather diplomatic ones, and less able than ever before to see the other side's point of view.

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